Sell A Home With Us

Why Choose Brickfront Properties & Construction?​

Listing your home can often be an overwhelming experience, particularly when you’re uncertain about the journey ahead. However, with the assistance of a seasoned agent and this straightforward guide, navigating the process becomes simpler. Adhering to these steps will equip you with the organization and preparation needed to fetch the optimal price for your home.​​​​​​​


Local Expertise:

With 30 years of real estate experience, Sid Hameed knows every nook and cranny of the Washington DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia areas. His local knowledge ensures that your property is marketed to the right people at the right price.

Proven Track Record:

With years of experience under his belt, Sid has successfully closed countless deals, ensuring sellers receive top dollar for their homes.

Tailored Marketing Strategies:

Sid employs a combination of traditional and digital marketing tactics, ensuring that your property stands out and reaches a wide range of potential buyers.

Professional Photography & Home Staging:

First impressions are critical. Sid’s team includes professional photographers and home stagers who ensure your home looks its absolute best.

Transparent Communication:

Sid prides himself on being available and transparent. You’ll be in the loop at all times, knowing exactly where your home stands in the selling process.

Our Selling Process


We begin with a one-on-one consultation to understand your goals and answer any questions you might have.

Property Evaluation:

Your property will be listed on all major platforms, complemented by targeted marketing campaigns.


With his skilled negotiation tactics, Sid ensures that you get the best price for your property.

Closing the Deal:

Sid’s team will handle all the paperwork, making sure the transaction is seamless and stress-free.


After signing the final paperwork to complete the purchase, you are now the owner of a new house. It may take a few days for your loan to be funded once the paperwork has been returned to the lender, but once that check is delivered to the seller, you’ll be all set to move into the home of your dreams.